Sunday, May 5, 2013

Thanksgiving 2012

OK Ya'll, I'm following Greg's lead and adding our most recent fam-trip to Jim and Kelly's for Thanksgiving last year. Hopefully we can do a trip this year and get the whole gang together :) These are pictures of our hike on the Constellation Trail just up the road from Jim and Kelly's house in Chino.
Our Lovely Host :)
Just a shot along the way.
Amazing rock formations!
Agh :)
Another HMM :)
Very STEEP Climb!!!

Almost to the top!
A little Pano of the view.
This is a plaque memorializing a plane crash that took place at the base of the trail!

1 comment:

  1. This is great Brett! I had not seen these pics as of yet, so thanks for posting!!
    I changed our comments to "embedded" as I think it will be easier to comment and read others.
    I also plan to change the layout a little too - make more room.
