Sunday, May 5, 2013

Jeni's Jewelry Show

OK, my turn.  Thought I'd share a couple of fun moments in the shop from yesterdays show.
Captions under photos.

 This is me and Janene, the shop owner at Pier 101 Gift Shop and Women's Boutique in Hoodsport (Susan, you shopped here, remember?) where I sell my jewelry.  We are standing / sitting in front of my display.

This is Marjorie, who is a new friend.  She and Janene were friends and she introduced us as Marjorie is also a photographer (her show is next week, btw!)


This is me and Tracy - a gal I have known a long time mostly through work places.  She loves my jewelry and has bought several pieces.

OK, this is me and part of my display, but you get the jist of it.  Only shot we got that wasn't as goofy looking as the others.....

Nice one of me but dark.  Flash seemed to hit the picture behind me - which sold at the end of the day btw!

I was there from 11am till after 5, so I was pretty bushed as you can imagine.  But the sales were good and it was good to see a few friends.


  1. This is such a cool and profitable business for you Jeni!!

    1. Thank you Greg! Yes it is building slowly, but has great potential. :)

  2. Didn't know you made jewelry. awesome!

  3. The setup looks impressive Jen! Glad it went well for you. I do remember the store - still have my jacket I got from there "Life is Good on the Hood"


    Family, Jeni just did some special work for me and I'll take pictures and post soon cause they are great pieces!
