Saturday, September 14, 2013




First time David and I took the Metro Link rail line anywhere and on weekends it's only $10 per day - round trip, so we decided to go see San Juan Capistrano and it's Mission ++. Neither of us have ever been there before and no, the Swallows had not arrived.

This was our train as it arrived.

And this was what the interior/seating looked like.  Actually was quite comfy and smooth riding.

Once we got off the train - only a few blocks away - we had a burrito breakfast at this place.

What's left standing, this is the interior court of the Mission, pic 1 of 2.

Pic 2 of 2

Of the many "community" things that went on were the tallow stoves where they reduced animal fat into cooking oil, candles and other uses.  Pic 1 of 2.

                                  Tallow pots, pic 2 of 2.

As is typical with any Mission of that time, the main Priest had his own Chapel, in this case was Fr. Serra's.  Zoom in on the details.

Prayer candles lining the entryway.  

The Holy Garden that contained the bells of the Mission.  At one point, President Nixon came here to ring those bells.

This is what's left of the original Basilica (a dome structure) when a earthquake hit back in the 1800's, killing many who were inside during that service.  The Church has "rebuilt" it since then, located nearby, see pic

Note the statue areas which were closely copied in the new Basilica, again pic 0107.

Pic 0107:  This is the current San Juan Basilica as it stands today - so beautiful inside!!

In closing, just had to share a pic of an idiot who's texting (of her impending death??) as she stands in the middle of active tracks.  Like, really?

What a great day David and I had, not shown is our venture into a local bikers bar but even there we had fun!


  1. Nice pictures Bro! Thanks for the post! :)

  2. I agree dude! Very nice pics and lots of history indeed. Once of the young architects in our office recently visited the mission and then went down to the Dana Point Marine Life Refuge. I bet you guys had a great day and if I remember correctly you did:)
