Sunday, September 15, 2013



FOR JIM'S 53'RD BIRTHDAY, 8-23-2013

A photo of the 4 of us just before boarding.

The Catalina Express jet boat we rode from Long Beach to the Island.

Jim booked us in the upper "Commodore" area and we got front seats (+ foo-foo drinks.)  Very comfy!

The ships jet plumes as we ripped at 30 knots!

Once we arrived, the water was so clear we could see the Rock Fish.

Bruce and Jim at the Avalon Port of Entry.

Jim rented us a golf cart to tour the island with, which we named "Chitty-Chitty Bang Bang" because it kept backfiring.

Of interest, is the tourist attraction "semi-sub" which never actually submerges but has bottom windows to view the marine life below. We didn't participate.

Group pic of us above the harbor (thanks to fellow tourists.)

City of Avalon on Catalina Island, "Port of Entry."

The old Casino where all the Hollywood stars from LA would come to play including Marilyn Monroe and then some.  Now a convention center.

Of interest was a "zip line" vendor who had 6 to 8 "bases" to land on before getting to the bottom of the mountain from where this photo was shot.  Zoom in on frame #4 and you'll see her dangling.  Taken from our "golf cart" run.

Once we got back down to the mainland I found a "hat place" that offered a fedora for just $10.  Snapped it up and love the ventilation it provides!  Now wear it everyday and continue to enjoy it!

Brett, this one is for you.  This is Paul Allen's "yacht" who owns Microsoft.  Try putting this in Lake Oz eh?  It was custom built @ $300 mil, has a crew of 65 and costs $6.5 mil to operate yearly.  It has two heliports and a mini-submarine (for those Fri night underwater excursions after enjoying a full buffet and bar!)  Currently ported in Avalon for "friends" to enjoy.  I want to be a friend or a friend of a friend!!  Normally cruises between the Caribbean and Seattle.

At the end of the day we ended up at this sidewalk bar to celebrate Jim's 53'rd.  This girl was celebrating her 25th birthday and wanted a group photo of us - because we were all dressed "island" (Jim's idea) so we said OK.  Was a fun moment.

After the bar, we went to Steve's Steakhouse for dinner and got a outside seat just above the "sale" banner.

We all enjoyed a great dinner -a mix of seafood, ribs and steak dinners.  :)  After that we ventured out to the boardwalk prior to boarding the return ship.

My "disclaimer."  :)

Saturday, September 14, 2013




First time David and I took the Metro Link rail line anywhere and on weekends it's only $10 per day - round trip, so we decided to go see San Juan Capistrano and it's Mission ++. Neither of us have ever been there before and no, the Swallows had not arrived.

This was our train as it arrived.

And this was what the interior/seating looked like.  Actually was quite comfy and smooth riding.

Once we got off the train - only a few blocks away - we had a burrito breakfast at this place.

What's left standing, this is the interior court of the Mission, pic 1 of 2.

Pic 2 of 2

Of the many "community" things that went on were the tallow stoves where they reduced animal fat into cooking oil, candles and other uses.  Pic 1 of 2.

                                  Tallow pots, pic 2 of 2.

As is typical with any Mission of that time, the main Priest had his own Chapel, in this case was Fr. Serra's.  Zoom in on the details.

Prayer candles lining the entryway.  

The Holy Garden that contained the bells of the Mission.  At one point, President Nixon came here to ring those bells.

This is what's left of the original Basilica (a dome structure) when a earthquake hit back in the 1800's, killing many who were inside during that service.  The Church has "rebuilt" it since then, located nearby, see pic

Note the statue areas which were closely copied in the new Basilica, again pic 0107.

Pic 0107:  This is the current San Juan Basilica as it stands today - so beautiful inside!!

In closing, just had to share a pic of an idiot who's texting (of her impending death??) as she stands in the middle of active tracks.  Like, really?

What a great day David and I had, not shown is our venture into a local bikers bar but even there we had fun!



The Science Center exterior.

Me using my new "roll-around" for the first time which really paid off on this adventure for both David and I.  We rented a car and drove here vs public transpo.

SR22 spy plane out front of the complex.

David in front of the last manned Apollo capsule, pic 1 of 4.

The capsule's door. Pic 2 of 4.

The seats of the 3 astronauts.  Pic 3 of 4.

 The overhead capsule controls.  Pic 4 of 4.

                                     Gemini II capsule.

                                            Gemini II info.

Capsule heat shield.
                      Mercury Red Stone 2 capsule.

                                                      MR-2 info.

Viking Lander.

Viking Lander info.

                              Space "potty" info.

                                                         The Space "Potty" unit.

The Endeavor on display. Note size of people below - huge!!

                             Endeavor's infamous tiles. 

One of Endeavors engines.

Rear engines of the Endeavor, pic 1 of 2.
Rear engines, pic 2 of 2.