Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Getting Emails

Are you all getting emails when we post things?


Hey Greg,
I wanted to post an emoticon but it kept telling me I had to copy & paste a code into the message (very long html text). ?? How did you do it?

Good job Gregory

I'm here! Good job Gregory - hopefully we'll all be inspired to get on here. I seldom take pics so don't have anything to show, but enjoy looking :)

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Tongue Tales

My LL Bruce, who is half Jewish, recently had an "Oi Vey" moment craving boiled tongue. The only time I've been presented with a tongue meal (do not add comments) was when I was 10 - do you remember that meal Jeni? You weren't very old but Mom cooked tongue and served it to you, JoDee and I. Once Mom put it on the table, all 3 of us sat back in shock - like ...Whaaaa the hell is this?!!

Needless to say, none of us Gentiles here would touch it but I must give Bruce credit in that he knew how to cook it correctly. The membrane has to be removed to expose the meat but Mom never did that - so all I have in my mind is a very ugly picture, exactly like the one you're looking at, ha!


A Sleep Blessing

What a new sleeping environment I'm enjoying and thank you that helped!! If you've ever questioned your mattress, then it's time to get a new one! Forget name brands, go with a private mattress manufacturer which is what I did. I'm so happy with this one for $250 and my arm numbness at night has gone away. Happy slumbers!!


Your Winters vs My Winters

Back in February when CA was getting an unusual early spring (heat wave) and everyone else was getting nailed by a major winter storm, Bilwy came up with this little bit of antoganism to cheer your day on. Better to be sent later than never and I think currently everyone is still somewhat in winter yet? Fear not, Spring is coming!!

Bad Bilwy

Slick & Quick Critter Housing

Poor Ol' Spicey had to go outside to live because she's become incontinent. Needed to create quick housing for her and came up with this for $5.00. Added bedding and she loves it. :)

First Orange Pick

This last fall was Bilwy's first time to pick an orange off a orange tree. It's the small pleasures in life that are the most enjoyable, eh?

Vulture Attack

Quite a fascinating moment recently in my backyard. For the first time, there was a local vulture up on our telephone pole. I swung my camera to the right to focus on another that was flying never knowing its intentions was to knock the other one off the pole. Lucky shots but cool eh? Zoom in for detail.