Thursday, November 30, 2006

Our First Snow - More Pics Tomorrow

Well....72 degrees two days ago and 10 tonight. Were expecting 8 to 10 inches of snow on our 1 inch of ice we got yesterday. Quite a way to kick off winter.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

The New Subaru

Photos, originally uploaded by bgraykc.

Wel, Ihave joined the Subaru Club with Jeni. The first time i drove one was when Greg and I went to see Jeni a few years ago and now Jeni has a Forrester like the one I rented I think. This is a 1998 Legacy Outback. with 128k miles on it. I just drove it to st. Louis and back yesterday and it is very cool. Anyhow....more pics on my pic link to the left.

See Ya

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Dinner is Served

Thursday, November 23, 2006

A Special Note

Now you may have noticed that the title of our blog is the Gray Family Blog. However, my first post to our blog says that our blog is for the gray family children. Well this is correct but I have also ... just for our own safety ... added our superiors .. James F Gray and Diane Wilks to our group as well just to keep us all in line. So please note that this format of communication will not allow for secrets. Greg will especially appreciate this I know. This blog is our 21st century family diary where we can post till we are content our daily thoughts, pictures and what ever else you may think of that you would like to share with all of us. Now I also know that Jeni and Greg have special sites that they have set up for pictures and I will be working on a way to integrate these sites to our blog so that we will have a one stop shop so to speak.

Thats all for now.......Please keep in mind that when we post to the blog what the most current post is at the top of the page. So especially for now please make sure and read the first 2 post below.

Happy Thanks Giving Ya'll

To All the Gray Children

A year to remember. Although Christmas and the end of the year is not yet here I thought this would be a good time to bring us all near. This blog is specially created for the Gray family children including Jim Flood, Jeni Gray, Greg Gray, Brett Gray and Susan Meyer. Now you may be saying I have not heard from our blog administrator for some time and why now. Well things are coming together on this end and I think I have figured out life for the time being. Life is not only what we make of it but what it makes of us. For now that is my take. I look forward to reconnecting with all of you. This blog has been brought to you by

Love to All